Bone Marrow Drive, Sat Feb 19


BONE MARROW DONOR DRIVE – sponsored by Boy Scout Troop 433

Saturday, February 19, 2011  10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Middle Island Fire Department    31 Arnold Dr., Middle Island, NY

James and Lloyd (L.J.) have something rare in common: both boys were diagnosed with a blood disorder, Hypereosinophilic Syndrome. They desperately need a bone marrow transplant in order to survive.

James Fiore, 14, of Shirley, says, “This illness can affect every organ in my body. When my disease flares up, I become very tired, extremely nauseous and also have bad headaches. I just want to have a normal childhood again and not miss so much school.”

Lloyd (L.J.) Daniels, 10, of Harlem is a spunky and happy child who loves to play with friends. Minorities are sadly under-represented in the national registry, so L.J. really needs the minority population to register at the drive.

Help the boys be boys again!

Why YOU are so important as a bone marrow donor?

  • Every 10 minutes blood cancer takes a life.
  • Leukemia is the most common disease children and young adults in the U.S die of, and a bone marrow transplant may be their only chance for survival.

Only 4 out of every 10 patients will receive the transplant that could save their lives

What is my commitment if I register?


  • Will also be listed on the Be The Match Registry® (operated by the NMDP) until your 61st birthday, unless you ask to be removed.
  • Will consider donating to any searching patient who needs a bone marrow transplant.

How do I become a bone marrow donor?

  • You need to be between the ages of 18 and 55 years old and meet the eligibility requirements and understand your commitment.
  • You need to complete a registration form.
  • You need to swab your cheeks using a cotton-tipped swab to collect cheek cells which will identify your HLA tissue-type.

Bone marrow for James