Giaquinto Senior Apts

Most of our May 16th, 2024 MICA meeting was devoted to a proposal for 220 senior (55+) apartments at the old Lustgarten parcel, on the south side of MCR across from Woodville Rd.  Builder Mike Kelly and attorney Tim Shea also attended the June 27th MICA meeting to follow up with answers to our questions below. The plan calls for 18 two-story buildings. Apartments will be single story with a living room, kitchen, dining nook, den (no door or closet), master bedroom and two full baths. Natural gas is planned for heating the units. The USA Gas station would be removed and a traffic light installed for the only entrance into the complex.  There would be a fire access gate at Cullen Lane (but not at Nottingham) which would be restricted for emergency service vehicles only; it would be covenanted as such. The property owners, the Giaquinto Family of Huntington and Deer Park, plan to retain and manage the project, not sell it. MICA submitted a list of more than 20 questions prior to the May meeting, many of which were answered by builder/rep Mike Kelly and environmental planner Chic Voorhis. MICA also distributed flyers to neighbors living closest to the proposed project, inviting them to come and ask questions of their own. More than 60 people attended, listened, and voiced their understandable concerns, Mike and Chic took lots of notes to bring back to the owners. Thanks to all who participated in both evenings’ courteous exchange of ideas and info. Additional details will be posted here as the plans evolve.

Questions and Concerns Submitted by MICA, and some initial answers from Mike Kelly. Tim Shea and Chic Voorhis

What is the project name? Not Named Yet

How many single family homes could be built there as-of-right? Between 40-60

Does NYSDOT need to insist on/approve traffic light at Woodville Road? A warrant analysis must be done and it a light is needed , it will be installed by the developer

Can a 55+ community still have (grand) children living there? Per Town Code, any child would have to be 19 years of age or older

Rentals are market rate – approximate cost per month? $2500-2700 a month

Any affordable, low income units? Per NYS & TOB requirements, 5% affordable and 5% workforce units, for a total of 10% overall

Can some 1st floor units be ADA compliant – wheelchair radius kitchens, roll-in showers? Yes

Major discussion with MIFD needs to happen. Additional ambulance/EMTs needed. Ongoingthe anticipated tax revenue is still being studied

How can fire access roads be permanently covenanted to avoid Nottingham and Elkin ever be opened to traffic? ( Woodville Road north end access to Coventry Manor WAS opened 10 years ago, resulting in much unhappiness.) Only Cullen Lane will have a emergency access crash gate, not Nottingham. Language will be included in the documents granting permission for the project so that this is permanently covenanted.

Can we get digital files of elevations, site plan, etc to post on MICA website? We want to invite the eastern neighbors on Abbey and Elkin Drives to the presentation so they will be well informed. Having info online they can review will help. Yes, provided below

Are Unit patios/decks/balconies facing the interior parking lot or the houses’ back yards? No

Seeking COZ from A-1 to PRC – what other variances are needed? PRC is the major one, Some minor ones may be needed as the plan progresses

Can some taller trees be planted in eastern 75’ buffer near houses? Yes, a tree and wildlife survey will be undertaken and a planting list will be part of the plan. Major revegetation of this parcel will be required as it is part of the Compatible Growth Area of the Pine Barrens

Where exactly would fences and walking trail ( if any) be? Fences will be along the outer property line. The walking trail between the eastern apts and the back yards of the private homes will be eliminated for privacy concerns.

STP w/Breslin:  explain benefits/feasibility without cooperative agreement? This project will be built independently of the Breslin parcel, with the possibility of a cooperative agreement in the future.

What is the public benefit component?  The Renaissance Village and Sam Glass Scalamander Cove apt projects each donated half their acreage to the TOB as open space. Ren Village actually built a hiking trail and small parking lot on the northern section for public use.  Sam Glass has to restore the wetlands on his parcel before giving them to TOB and establish a $50,000 beautification fund for use in Middle Island. Much has changed since the approval of those projects and Brookhaven no longer asks for that type of community benefit. Instead, the redemption of Pine Barrens credits is mandatory and will be a substantial financial commitment to preservation.

What if it were less than 220 units? Lose the two front buildings = 196 instead? That would leave room for something larger at the front of the parcel as a community benefit.  A small, convertible ice rink (think Port Jeff Village and Frog Pond at Boston Common) with parking? The Giaquinto Family believes that 220 units is the right number for this project to succeed.

If not, then:

Can we get a sidewalk leading onto SC Park parcel with bus shelter & pad there? Possibly

Something beautiful that the community can enjoy at entrance, gazebo/gardens/pollinators. Yes

Can it include a water fall/fountain to minimize traffic noise in the front of development? Probably

Not part of the Giaquinto plan but of interest is the Larger STP utility concept. Could be a great alternative to traditional sewer plans—need more info.  More to come on this

Proposed Site Plan

Rendering of entrance view

8 unit Rendering

First Floor Plans
Second Floor Plans