Longwood Community Members and Long Island History Buffs:
Published by The Longwood Alliance and Longwood Society for Historical Preservation
These books make wonderful gifts — for the Holidays, a Birthday, Retirement, or
Anniversary — perfect for the person who already has everything!
All proceeds used for our additional History & Veterans projects and publications
Make Checks payable to The Longwood Alliance and mail to PO Box 24, Middle Island, NY 11953
For additional information & to check stock, email Pinfranco@aol.com or Gailybaily@aol.com
Early Settlers of Longwood $15
Civil War Letters of the Bayles Bros. $15
A Lifetime in Middle Island $15
The History of Camp Upton $15, made possible via a grant from The Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation
Thomas R. Bayles Bio & Writings $20, made possible via a grant from The Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation
Longwood WWII Honor Roll $10
Longwood GWOT Honor Roll $10
Please add $5 for shipping/handling to your total.
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