Longwood Commons is the new name for the project proposed for the J6 parcel retained by Frank Weber from his original Sandy Hills plan. It is located on the southeast corner of Rt 25 and Renaissance Blvd, circled in red on the approved site plan for Renaissance Village in the second photo above. In the original plan, when Mr Weber was building Sandy Hills, this area contained a large L-shaped building fronting both Rt 25 and the Blvd, with a smaller residential building just north of that. In the newer version, the L-shaped building has been replaced by two separate ones, and the smaller northern building is gone, as indicated by the pink shading in the third photo above. The longer building along Renaissance Blvd includes an Urgent Care facility on the first floor, with 12 market rate duplex town homes above. The smaller building calls for a RESTAURANT, facing Middle Country Road. As the support letter from MICA indicates below, a restaurant is the Number One request from our members and the community at large. We believe the artist’s rendering of the project (top photo) shows a pleasant looking addition to our hamlet center and wish Mr. Weber well in securing the special permit he needs to make his long-held dream come true in the heart of Middle Island. Visit the website for the project for more details: http://longwoodcommons.com/dev/commercial/