Proposed Bylaws Amendment

Proposed  “Business Membership” amendment to the MICA bylaws

Currently the section reads:


Sec. 1. Any adult resident or property owner, aged 18 years or more, shall be eligible to membership in this Association.

Sec. 2. Effective January 1, 2010, membership fee shall consist of $10 per person per year, the payment of which shall entitle any adult resident or property owner to membership in the Association.  Each member shall be entitled to a single vote.

At the September 15, 2011 MICA meeting, the following changes were proposed:


Sec. 1. a. Any adult resident or property owner, aged 18 years or more, shall be eligible to membership in this Association.

Sec 1. b. Any adult owner of a business in Middle Island shall also be eligible to membership in this Association.  However, business members who are not residents or property owners may not run for or hold elected office in this Association.

Sec. 2. Effective January 1, 2010, membership fee shall consist of $10 per person per year, the payment of which shall entitle any adult resident, property owner or business owner to membership in the Association.  Each member shall be entitled to a single vote.

This proposed amendment will be voted upon at the October 20, 2011 MICA meeting.  If approved, the section on Election of Officers will also include the new membership category and restrictions on running for or holding elected office.